鹤岗 [ 北京 广州 深圳 切换城市 ]


分类:家政需求  时间:2014-03-21 10:27:23  浏览1160次   修改   删除   刷新 举报该信息

联系电话:鹤岗家政:专业擦玻璃 房间清洁。
详细描述: 服务项目:承揽单位及家庭。专业擦玻璃,清洁房间,及新装修开荒清洁。做防水,通下水。定做纱窗。价格合理,工作专业。竭诚为您打造一个舒适洁净的家。服务宗旨:以质量求发展,以信誉求生存。愿用我们的---诚心、专心、细心、耐心 赢得顾客的-舒心、省心、放心、开心。我们会加倍努力,竭力做到您的认可,给您带去好心情。欢迎来电洽谈!Services: contracting units and families. Professional wipe glass, clean room, decorate and the new forest clean. Do waterproof, through the water. Customized screen window. The price is reasonable, professional work. Wholeheartedly for you to create a comfortable and clean home. Service tenet: to the quality strives for the development, strives for the survival by the credibility. Would like to use our - sincerity, concentrate, careful, patient, win customers - comfortable, worry, rest assured, happy. We will redouble our efforts, try to do your approval, to bring you good mood. Welcome calls




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